Sunday, March 2, 2014

Price list Maret 2014

  1. Gambar kantong adalah gambar kantong tanaman induk.
  2. Klik gambar untuk memperbesar.
  3. Penting: Klik di sini sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membeli.
  4. Penting: Klik di sini untuk cara pembelian. 
  5. Klik di sini untuk cara perawatan.
  6. Kami hanya menawarkan Kantong Semar hasil budidaya, klik di sini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.
  7. Klik di sini untuk info lebih lanjut tentang nama-nama hibrida Kantong Semar.

N. ampullaria 'b' - @Rp.35.000
Nepenthes ampullaria pitcher of paradise

N. (globosa x adrianii) - @Rp.40.000
Nepenthes (globosa x adrianii) pitcher of paradise

N. (hirsuta x mirabilis) - @Rp.75.000
Nepenthes (hirsuta x mirabilis) pitcher of paradise

N. x dominii - @Rp.35.000
Nepenthes x dominii pitcher of paradise

N. x kuchingensis 'c' - @Rp.35.000
Nepenthes x kuchingensis pitcher of paradise

Sold Out

Sold out:

N. globosa 'a' (Thailand) #1
19 Mar 2014 - Sold to Kali Deres, Jakarta
Nepenthes globosa 'a' (Thailand) pitcher of paradise

N. globosa 'a' (Thailand) #2
17 Mar 2014 - Sold to Bandung
Nepenthes globosa 'a' (Thailand) pitcher of paradise

N. globosa 'b' (JKMR KTKI)
05 Mar 2014 - Sold to Bandung
Nepenthes globosa 'a' (JKMR KTKI) pitcher of paradise

N. gracilis 'b' (Squat)
19 Mar 2014 - Sold to Ciledug, Tangerang
Nepenthes gracilis 'b' (Squat) pitcher of paradise

N. mirabilis 'b' (Papua)
19 Mar 2014 - Sold to Kali Deres, Jakarta
Nepenthes mirabilis 'b' (Papua) pitcher of paradise

N. mirabilis 'e' (Trang Bizarre)
05 Mar 2014 - Sold to Bandung
Nepenthes mirabilis 'e' (Trang Bizarre) pitcher of paradise

N. (mirabilis x campanulata)
19 Mar 2014 - Sold to Kali Deres, Jakarta
Nepenthes (mirabilis x campanulata) pitcher of paradise

N. unknown hybrid 'a'
17 Mar 2014 - Sold to Bandung
Nepenthes unknown hybrid pitcher of paradise

N. {viking x (mirabilis x rafflesiana)}
05 Mar 2014 - Sold to Bandung
Nepenthes {viking x (mirabilis x rafflesiana)} pitcher of paradise

Waiting for customer's shipping order

To Makassar:
N. gracilis 'b' (Squat) - @Rp.50.000
Nepenthes gracilis squat pitcher of paradise

N. x ventrata - @Rp.25.000
Nepenthes x ventrata pitcher of paradise

Selamat berkebun,

Edwin Dwianto - 08123254373, Online Nepenthes store